From time to time there will be the need to provide access to your Asset Bank to a large number of users, who may be new to the system.
There are a few ways of achieving this, the most common being SSO for users internal to your organisation, or by adding these users to the application so that they receive an email inviting them to set a password and create an account in the application.
The following steps walk through the process of the second option: inviting a large number of users to your application, via the use of a spreadsheet.
- You will need to be an administrator to complete a user import, although in some cases this may be delegated to Organisational Unit administrators if you want to allow certain users to manage user accounts for others in their department or team.
- Within your spreadsheet, you can use a number of columns:
- Username
- Forename
- Surname
- EmailAddress
- Groups
- Password
- ExpiryDate
- Hidden
NB.: 'Username', 'Forename', 'Surname' and 'EmailAddress' are mandatory columns. In many cases, you will use an individual's email address as their username so they can log in using this rather than a separate username. In this case, populate both 'Username' and 'EmailAddress' with the users' email addresses. - After creating your column headers (in row 1), you can create additional rows of information for each user you want to import. Typically, we recommend entering information for all of the columns that are listed in bold above. By leaving the Password field blank, users will be invited to set their own password when creating an account.
- You can add multiple groups by using a semicolon delimiter, such as: "Staff;Marketing;England" to add the user to the three groups of Staff, Marketing, and England.
- Once you have created the spreadsheet (i.e. in Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel), you will need to ensure that you save the file as a tab-delimited .txt file, rather than a typical .xlsx format.
- Once you have created your .txt file, you can import this using the "Admin > Users > Import users" option. Ensure that you select 'Email new users' if you want newly added users to be sent an email inviting them to set a password.
Here is an example spreadsheet that will add five users to a number of different groups:
The .txt file for this is included as an attachment to this article - you should be able to open this file using Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, selecting "tab-delimited" as prompted.
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