Asset Bank uses external software to generate thumbnails for uploaded assets and convert images on download. Sometimes the results can be unsatisfactory, typically for layered .tif and .eps files.
In the case that thumbnails or converted downloads are not performing as expected, there are two options for achieving the desired results:
Working Files
Working files is a function which allows you to upload a simple version of an image - usually a .jpg or .png - which Asset Bank can use when a user requests a converted download. A converted download is any download where the size or format of the image is changed from the original.
Should a user download the original image, Asset Bank will provide the original uploaded file. If a user requests any converted download, the working file will be converted and provided to the user.
The working file will also be used to generate the thumbnail for the asset.
Thumbnails can be used in cases where the downloaded file appears as expected or is not an image file at all. A common use case is for uploaded .zips and files for which thumbnails cannot be generated on upload.
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