When setting up your Asset Types you can choose which relationships can be added and the relevant terms for these relationships to ensure they are easily understood by your users. If you've added some related assets then these will typically be visible at the bottom of the page when viewing one of the assets in the relationship.
In order to configure your Relationships, simply access the Admin > Asset Types > Relationships page.
Can have peers
A peer relationship means the assets are linked without any hierarchy, so when viewing any of the peer-related assets you will see all of the other assets in the relationship.
Once you have enabled the relevant asset types you need to add a term that will be displayed in the system on relevant pages to describe the type of related asset, as shown below. The two terms refer to a singular and plural term.
Can have children
A parent-child relationship means the assets are linked with a hierarchy, so when viewing the parent asset you have access to all of the children assets (as thumbnails at the bottom of the view page), whereas when viewing a child asset you will see only a link to the parent asset, along with relevant metadata from the parent asset (if configured).
As with a peer relationship, you need to add a relevant term for child / children assets.
Additional options for child assets
If you are using a parent-child relationship then there are a number of options which you may wish to configure on the asset type that is set to be the 'child' in the relationship.
Must have Parent
Selecting this option will mean that assets of this type cannot be added through a standard upload process - they can only be added when selecting the option to 'Add a child asset' to a parent asset.
Parent/Sibling relationship terms
As with the terms you specify for peer or child assets, we recommend you add a term for the parent assets and sibling assets. Please note that, by default, sibling assets are not displayed.
Advanced relationship options
There are a number of other advanced options available which can be accessed using the "show advanced options" link when configuring your peer or child relationships.
Default relationships
When setting up a relationship if you specify a default relationship category id then when you upload assets of that type the system will automatically create relationships to all applicable assets in the specified category. When the upload process is complete the user will be redirected to a page that enables them to exclude assets from the relationships prior to these default relationships being created.
Relationship descriptions
If a relationship label is provided then when a user adds a related asset they will be prompted to enter extra information about the relationship into a text field which would be prefixed with the label provided. The relationship description that the user provides will be displayed above the attributes for each related asset on the asset view page. The user is also able to edit individual relationship descriptions from this page where relevant.
Include children in download
This option, available only for parent-child relationships, will enforce that child assets will be included when downloading a parent asset. For example, if you've added a brand guidelines PDF as a child asset to a company logo asset, then this would ensure the PDF is downloaded whenever a user downloads the company logo. This would help to ensure that the guidelines are accessible to the user, meaning it is easier for them to follow.
Other relationship settings
Please contact our Customer Support Team to update the following settings.
Use the first child asset as a surrogate
If this setting is true then any empty parent assets that have a child with a suitable file will use their child's file for thumbnail, display and download purposes. Adding a file to the parent would override the use of the child file.
Use the first parent asset as a surrogate
This works the same way as the child setting but applies to empty child assets that have a parent asset with a suitable file. As above, adding a file to the child asset would override use of the parent file.
Note: These two settings cannot be used in conjunction with one another.
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