Email templates are stored in the Admin > Content area. Here you can change the written content of the emails that Asset Bank sends out but you can also change the logo and formatting amongst other things.
Editing Email Content
In this area you'll see a list of templates for all of the emails Asset Bank sends out. Clicking 'edit' allows you to edit the content of that template. Here you will see a number of fields. Title, Identifier and Language are not editable, each template has multiple versions if Multiple Languages are configured.
If you do not want Asset Bank to send an email then untick the 'Enabled' checkbox. It is generally not recommended that the From and To fields are changed but if you would additional email addresses to receive these emails then add the address to the CC or BCC fields.
The Subject can be changed to anything your users will recognise but we advise that you avoid words that might cause email service from identifying the email as spam. The Message field is a standard text editor for you to change the written content and text formatting of the email.
Some emails use hashed content such as #assetids# or #username# which will be automatically replaced by Asset Bank depending on the context. Avoid editing these unless you have been advised to do so by our Customer Support Team.
Editing Email Look and Feel
Adding a Logo
By default, the logo used in your emails will be the same as the logo visible in your header. If you wish to change it, there is a 'Set the logo image to include in emails' link at the top of the Email Templates page.
From here you can write the URL that defines where your email logo is. If you host Asset Bank with us then get in touch with the Customer Support Team who will help you add a logo.
Viewing the Logo
Many mail clients don't show remote images until the reader explicitly loads them for privacy and security reasons. For example an email with a logo may look like this initially in OS X Mail:
The email client usually provides a button that loads and shows images, in this example OS X Mail will show the logo after "Load Remote Content" is pressed:
Many mail clients provide a setting for users who don't want to have to manually load images, for example OS X Mail has a "Load remote content in messages" option in Preferences > Viewing.
Advanced: Logos for Internally-Hosted Asset Banks
The logo URL should be accessible by everyone who your Asset Bank will send emails to; if not some recipients will be unable to see the logo. If your Asset Bank is hosted on an internal network and is not accessible from the wider internet then you can upload the logo to an externally-accessible webserver (for example your company's web site) and then use the URL of the external version for the "Email Logo URL" setting.
Advanced: Changing the Look and Feel of Emails
You can change the HTML used in all templates by editing the 'base' and 'logo' email templates (in Admin > Content > Email Templates). This should only be attempted if you are familiar with HTML coding and authoring HTML emails and are prepared to maintain the custom HTML on an ongoing basis (e.g. fix any layout issues after an Asset Bank upgrade caused by incompatibility between the custom layout HTML and the new email templates that come with the new Asset Bank version).
The 'base' template is "wrapped" around every templated email. The 'base' template contains two special tokens: #content# is expanded to the main content of the email and #logo# is expanded to the logo HTML if a logo URL is configured or the empty string if not.
The 'logo' template is used to produce the HTML to use in the #logo# area of the base template. The special token #logoUrl# is expanded to the value of the "Email logo URL" setting.
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