The "Manage Menu Items" page, found within the "Admin > Content > Menu Items" section, allows you to reorder and set the visibility of menu items. Each menu item can be visible to all users, a set of groups, admin users only or completely hidden from the menu. You can edit a menu item’s visibility by selecting “set visibility” beside the relevant menu item.
Custom content pages can be added to the menu. You can edit the content of these pages to meet your requirements. For example, a page could be added to explain how Asset Bank is being used within your organisation. To add a new content page click the “Add a new custom content page” link. You are able to specify a title for the page and edit the page content. Once saved, the page can be reordered within the menu, the page can be deleted and its visibility can be changed.
Links can be added to the menu which can either be links to pages within Asset Bank or to an external location. Click “Add a new link” and then specify the link text and link URL. The link URL can be an internal link within Asset Bank by adding a relative path such as "viewHome" to link to the homepage. However, you can also link to external pages by typing a full URL (starting with "http" or "https") for example "". There is a checkbox to select whether the link should open in a new window. Once the link has been added you can set its visibility, reorder it and delete it.
Both links and pages can have a description associated with them that helps to describe what the page is for. This description will be displayed in the list of menu items on the Admin > Content > Menu Items page.
Menu Item Visibility
By default all menu items are visible to newly created groups. You can go into each menu item and set the visibility. It is also possible to change this behaviour so that menu items are hidden by default. This might be useful if you have a large number of menu items which should be only visible to specific groups.
This does not change the way you change the visibility of the menu items after the group has been created, it simply defines the default behaviour.
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