How to translate content within Asset Bank.
Note, the Multi-Lingual features are part of our Professional/Enterprise version of Asset Bank. Please contact us if you have the standard package, but would like to enable multi-language.
Translating page content in edit mode
The simplest way to translate content in Asset Bank is to turn on edit mode. This can be done by logging in as admin and selecting 'Content' from the admin menu then clicking the button 'Turn edit mode on'. When browsing the site after selecting the appropriate language a link is added next to each piece of content allowing it to be translated.
Translating page content in bulk
This method can be used to export all existing page content from the database so that it can be translated it bulk.
Exporting content for translation
You can export the page copy items by going to: Content > Language > Export.
The data file generated can then be edited and, if kept in the same format (i.e. column and row structure) and then be imported.
You should not translate any of the variable names that have been exported. These appear within hashtags, e.g.
These should be left as is, as they are just variables that themselves eventually point to the correct translated content.
You should also not change any HTML code.
An example follows, showing the export data first, then the import data, with the areas that should be translated in underlined text.
The images that you selected for comparison are shown below.
<p>Copy #a-lightbox# <strong>?prevName?</strong></p>
<p>Please choose and complete the two security questions below. These will be used if you need to reset your password should you forget it.</p>
Le immagini che avete scelto per il confronto sono mostrate sotto.
<p>Copiare #a-lightbox# <strong>?prevName?</strong></p>
<p>Scegliere e completare le due seguenti domande di sicurezza.
Saranno utilizzate se dovreteresettare la password.</p>
Importing translating content
You can import the page copy items by going to: Content > Language > Import
Updating other content
All asset metadata can be translated. If you wish to translate existing assets you should use bulk or batch update.
All attributes, categories and usage types can also be translated. It is easiest to do this through the front end. When editing these the option will be given to also provide translations for languages that have been added.
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