By default when you run a search in Asset Bank the system will use each search term as an individual query in order to maximise the number of search results. For example:
If you perform a search for a query with multiple words such as brand guidelines 2017 then you are likely to see many results. This is because the system will return all assets with "brand" OR "guidelines" OR "2017" somewhere within the metadata of the asset.
The default search ordering of 'Relevance' will mean that assets that have more of the keywords will appear at the top, and therefore are more likely to be the correct assets. (Note, it's slightly more nuanced than this as 'relevance' operates on keyword density - the number of times the matching keywords appear expressed as a ratio in relation to the other tags an asset has. This is by design, for example to prevent PDFs with thousands of words always appearing at the top of search results.)
The simple solution to decrease the number of search results for this query would be to add speech marks such as "____" to the start and end of your query, such as "brand guidelines 2017". This would mean that only assets with the entire phrase would be returned.
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