The API functionality allows external applications to connect to Asset Bank via OAuth2. Once connected these applications are able to perform searches, retrieve assets, add assets, add metadata, etc. Organisations typically want to use the API to link Asset Bank to their other appliactions that generate or utilise brand assets.
API requests should be authenticated using an OAuth 2.0 token. Authenticating through OAuth 2.0 is a secure way of granting access to the API in the same permissions based manner as the front-end of Asset Bank. In this way, many applications can connect to the API simultaneously with controlled access.
OAuth 2.0 credentials can be added and managed in the Admin > System > API area of Asset Bank. For more information please see our support article on setting up OAuth 2.0.
API Endpoints
Our API documentation is hosted in Postman where you will find details of each endpoint including example requests and responses.
Click here to view the API endpoints documentation.
The full Postman collection can be imported into your local or team Postman workspace. All examples are given using environment variables so once you have set up your own environment (see below instructions) you can run all requests directly against your Asset Bank. This makes it simple to understand how each request should be used.
There is also an option to see the examples with an example Asset Bank URL instead of variables if you prefer - please select the example environment from the dropdown.
How to set up an environment for your Asset Bank in Postman
Within Postman select Environments from the right hand menu and then click the plus icon to create a new environment.
Add the below variables with the corresponding values from your Asset Bank. If you still need to set up OAuth2 in your Asset Bank then first please see the Asset Bank API - OAuth2 support article for details.
How to set up Bearer token authorization for your Postman Collection
This is set up on the top level of your collection and then all requests in the collection are set to inherit authorization from parent.
Under Authorization, select Authorization type OAuth 2.0:
Use the environment variables you created above to configure the new token generation as below:
The Auth URL should be {{base_url}}/{{context_path}}/oauth/authorize and the Access Token URL is {{base_url}}/{{context_path}}/oauth/token. Make sure that your Callback URL matches the one defined in Asset Bank exactly.
Now all you need to do is click Get New Access Token and you will be directed to log in to Asset Bank, where a token will be generated after a successful login.
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