After you have been sent your Sitecore Connector and other instructions by our Professional Services Team, you can follow these activation steps.
1 - Upload the connector to Sitecore using the standard module installer wizard and Run
2 - Update the configuration file
Please browse to the configuration settings in \Website\App_Config\Include\AssetBank.
Open the following file in a text editor:
The changes you have to make will have been detailed by your Asset Bank consultant.
Once completed - remove the ".example" from the end of the file so that it replaces/overwrites the current config file.
3 - Open Sitecore and create your Asset Bank Media Folder using ‘Insert from Template’
3 - In the ExternalID field, input the ID passed to you by your Asset Bank consultant. This relates to the relevant folder structure to be mapped from Asset Bank to Sitecore. This might be the whole structure or a subset. You may also have to create multiple media folders if you are mapping to multiple folders in your Asset Bank, entering a unique ExternalID code for each.
4 - Restart your Sitecore application
5 - You should now find the content of your Asset Bank Images and can insert them into your content pages as per the example shown below:
1 - Make sure that your Sitecore server has access to your Asset Bank API (your Sitecore server IP address should already have been whitelisted in the Asset Bank application).
You can test this by calling: <your Asset Bank Base URL>/rest/asset-search
You can find your base URL after logging into Asset Bank and then clicking the 'About' link in the footer.
It would look something like this:
If this resolves with the XML of your assets, you know it is working - but make sure that the User is not logged into AB on the same browser, or this will give a false positive due to oAuth.
If it is not possible to open a browser on Sitecore server, then if you have Terminal/Shell access to the box then you could use wget or cURL to test.
then you will either see a 200 response (success) or 403 (denied) in the output.
2 - Make sure that your Sitecore server is displaying the file extensions and that Kumquat.SAS.AssetBank.config is named correctly with the updated BaseUrl.
This file can be found here:
The Asset Bank BaseURL setting is on line five and should be your Asset Bank Base URL, minus any slash at the end.
It should then look something like this:
<setting name="AssetBank.BaseUrl" value="" />
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