The homepage is the main navigation area for your Asset Bank. This is the default location for all users once they've logged in - and possibly for non-logged-in users if they have permission to see assets. The homepage is constructed of a few different areas, which will be broken down below.
Featured Image
The "featured image" is the large image ('hero image') shown at the top the home page. Administrators can choose which files appear here, and even set up a rotation if multiple are chosen.
The large search bar on the homepage allows you to quickly find what you're looking for by entering some text. It is possible to add various options to this to make the search more powerful, but generally this is only a subset of the full options available to you. By using the 'Advanced search' link you will have access to more criteria to build a more powerful search.
Asset Bank will search for matches in the metadata of the items (i.e. title, description, author etc.) as well as searching within the contents of textual items (for example Word files). You can also use boolean search terms to improve your search.
The main area of the homepage is the 'browse' section, this will all you to navigate through your files in a simple way in order to find what you're looking for. Depending on the options chosen by the site administrator you may see different options here, but generally browsing by "Folder" or "Category" will give you the best experience.
Recently Added (featured searches)
The "recently added" panel shows a number of items that have recently been added to Asset Bank which you have permission to see. Clicking the 'View all' link will take you to a search results page showing you the most recently added assets.
It is possible for administrators to remove this default 'featured search', or alternatively to create additional sections in this format.
Promoted Items
It is also possible for your administrators to select specific files as 'promoted items'. If this is in use, then you will see an extra section displaying these assets in a similar style to the 'featured search' above. Clicking on the "see all promoted images link" will take you to the Promoted Items page, where you will see all the items that have been promoted.
If this functionality is being used then there will be a panel across the screen containing snippets of the three latest news articles, along with links to access the full article.
Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, About, Contact Us
These four links are all located in the standard footer of the system. The 'About' page contains the current version number of the application and you can use the 'Contact Us' link to get in contact with the administrators of your system (not the main Asset Bank support team).
We recently upgrade AssetBank to 3.1780.3. How do we turn on this new look and feel?
Hi Roger, our support team will be able to help you make the switch over to the new look & feel. Please get in touch with us via
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