Please note that you will need to enter Google reCAPTCHA keys and save BEFORE enabling reCAPTCHA
In the latest version of Asset Bank we have implemented Google reCAPTCHA to prevent automated software from attacking your site. It appears on the User Registration and Contact Us forms.
Configuration options for legacy CAPTCHA & Google reCAPTCHA are available in Admin > System > Captcha Settings
Google reCaptcha works with a set of keys in order to validate the user interaction with the website. If you are hosted with us in the cloud then you will receive production keys automatically and do not need to do anything.
If you would like to retrieve new Google reCAPTCHA keys follow the steps outlined below:
- Go to reCaptcha Admin - You'll be presented with "create recaptcha" page if you do not have one already, otherwise click on the + sign to add a new one.
- Enter the Label 'Asset Bank'
- Select reCAPTCHA v2 - Invisible reCAPTCHA badge
- Enter your domain without the webapp name. eg. ""
- Add any "owner" who will be allowed to change security settings and receive notifications
- Copy the keys into AssetBank and save without setting the Use Google reCAPTCHA? setting to Yes.
- Go back into the Captcha settings and enable Google reCAPTCHA.
- Then go to the settings page and adjust the "Security Preference" to the centre setting.
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