There are an enormous amount of RAW image formats used by different models of digital equipment and Asset Bank supports many of the most popular RAW formats as standard. However, those not supported as standard will need to be added to the database manually before Asset Bank recognizes them as an image file and is able to generate a thumbnail for them.
To do this you will need to add a row in the FileFormat table of your database. You can do this manually by using the 'nef' row as an example or you can run the following script, changing anything in bold to suit your desired outcome.
INSERT INTO `yourassetbank`.`FileFormat` (`Id`, `AssetTypeId`, `FileExtension`, `IsIndexable`, `IsConvertable`, `IsConversionTarget`, `IsRotatable`, `Name`, `Description`, `ConverterClass`, `ConvertIndividualLayers`, `CanViewOriginal`, `CanUploadThumbnail`, `CompressedInZip`, `SupportsTransparency`) VALUES ('rowNo', '2', 'fileextension', '0', '1', '0', '1', 'FILEEXTENSION', 'equipmentmodel RAW Image File', 'com.bright.assetbank.converter.RawToImageConverter', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0');
An example of inserting a row for Fujifilm's RAF format is as follows:
INSERT INTO `asset-bank`.`FileFormat` (`Id`, `AssetTypeId`, `FileExtension`, `IsIndexable`, `IsConvertable`, `IsConversionTarget`, `IsRotatable`, `Name`, `Description`, `ConverterClass`, `ConvertIndividualLayers`, `CanViewOriginal`, `CanUploadThumbnail`, `CompressedInZip`, `SupportsTransparency`) VALUES ('901', '2', 'raf', '0', '1', '0', '1', 'RAF', 'Fujifilm RAW Image File', 'com.bright.assetbank.converter.RawToImageConverter', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0');
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