Your Lightbox is similar to a shopping basket - you can add files to it from a variety of areas but you are only adding 'shortcuts' to these assets, rather than duplicating or moving the assets directly.
The name of your active Lightbox and the number of assets within that Lightbox is displayed on the right hand side of the header.
To see the contents of your Lightbox, click on the Lightbox name 'My Lightbox', or click on the small icon to see the other available options:
- Empty - Selecting this option will remove all assets from your active Lightbox.
- Other Lightboxes - If you have multiple Lightboxes then they will be listed in the shaded section of this dropdown. Clicking on one of these will set that to be the active Lightbox.
- Create new - By typing in a new and clicking the '+' button you can quickly and easily create a new Lightbox.
- Manage Lightboxes - This will take you to the Manage Lightboxes page.
- Expand view - This will expand your Lightbox display to run across the bottom of your page as a hovering footer, giving you more visibility over assets in your Lightbox whilst using the system. The expanded view also enables you to 'drag and drop' assets into your Lightbox.
Once viewing your Lightbox you have similar functionality to other pages of this style, such as Browse or Search Results - read more here. The assets in your lightbox are grouped by the permissions that you have for those assets, such as 'Ready to download', 'Approval required', and 'Approval rejected'.
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