Asset Bank automatically records information about user activities, for example when a user searches for, views, uploads and downloads assets. The Reports section allows admin users to access this information and can be found by clicking on the 'Reports' link in the admin menu.
Various reports are available, which show this information broken down in a number of ways. Before viewing each report you have to specify a date range, over which the report will be run. Once you have specified the report you want and the date range, you can either view the report immediately (by clicking the 'View report' button) or you can schedule the report.
You can control whether asset thumbnails are shown in the reports featuring assets by changing application setting show-thumbnails-in-asset-reports to true or false.
Usage Reports
Usage reports provide a detailed overview of how the system is being used. From here you can find out the most popular item in Asset Bank, calculated by how many times it has been viewed or downloaded, which can be further organised by user and group. You can also find out how many uploads different users are performing. Four of the reports ('Number of views per item (and total views over the period)', 'Number of downloads per item (and total downloads over the period)', 'Asset View Checklist by Group' and 'Asset Download Checklist by Group') can be restricted to only show results for assets in certain categories and/or folders. When you choose one of these four reports category and folder selectors will appear to let you chose the categories and folders to restrict the report to.
The two checklist reports are formatted as a matrix with the names of assets in the left column and group names along the top, each cell then contains a list of the users that have viewed (or downloaded depending on the selected report) the asset and the number of times they have viewed (or downloaded) it.
Please note that when using "Reason for download by asset and user" you should also be able to see the "Asset Approval details" when the default approval expiry is unlimited (default_approval_expiry_period=-1); if not, the approval details will not be visible since they get automatically cleaned up when the approval expires.
Search Reports
These reports are useful for gauging what search terms users are using to find items, and the success rate of searches.
A grouped report will display the frequency of different search terms to enable you to see the most popular searches. You can filter your results to display only successful or only failed searches.
You may specify a date range to further refine your results. If you don't, the system will return all the data available.
Asset Reports
Asset reports provide details of the items that exist in the system. There are the following types of asset report:
- Assets by Category - This returns all the items in the system organised by category. You can order the data by a given attribute if you require, but a suitable attribute must have been set up (in the Attributes section of the admin area) for this to work.
- Assets by Date - specify a date range and choose whether you want to see items that were uploaded, created or modified in this date range.
- Duplicate Assets - This looks uses logic defined by the duplicate-asset-check-type setting to determine any potential duplicate assets in the system. The options for this setting are filename (same original filename will be considered duplicate), filesize (save filesize will be considered duplicate), both (assets with the same filename and filesize will be considered duplicate or threshold (assets with the same filename will be considered duplicate unless they are under a specified filesize in which case the filesize is also taken into account - the threshold is defined by the duplicate-asset-size-threshold setting). This report gives you the option to select and delete the assets that are found.
- Items by Popularity - An easy way to see the most (and least) popular assets in the system in terms of both number of downloads and number of views. The number of items shown per page on these reports can be configured using a listbox at the top of the page. Also, from the 'least popular assets by view/download' reports the user can delete assets by selecting them with checkboxes and clicking the delete button.
Audit Reports
Audit reports enable you to trace a specific users' use of the system. There are three report options in this section...
Audit Log Report:
This report gives a detailed list of audit log transactions constrained to the specified date period. Audit log transactions include details of things like users uploading assets, asset deletions, asset changes etc. The report can be limited to the transactions for a particular username or IP address.
User Login Report:
This report details, for a given date period, the users that have logged in to the system and the date and time that they logged in. The report can be downloaded as a tab delimited file.
User Registration Report:
This report details, for a given date period, the users that have registered into the system and the date and time that they have submitted the registration request. The report can be downloaded as a tab delimited file.
Scheduling Reports
If you want to be regularly updated with a specific report you can set up scheduled report.
To schedule a report, select a report type then click the 'Schedule report' button.
You will then be asked to specify a name for the report and how frequently you want it to be generated (daily, weekly or monthly). By default, scheduled reports are sent to all admin users as an email attachment at the frequency you have defined. You can also specify other groups of users to receive the reports using the 'Additional groups' checkboxes.
You can view what scheduled reports you have set up at any time by clicking on the Scheduled Reports tab. From here you have the option to delete any of your scheduled reports.
Controlling system privacy
Using the reporting suite is it possible to get detailed information on the usage of your Asset Bank, related to individual assets or users as appropriate. The key area of reporting for this purpose are likely to be the 'usage' and 'audit' reports. Usage reports enable you to see how your assets are being used (viewed, uploaded, downloaded) in a variety of different ways, such as by group or by users. The audit reporting allows you to see detailed information on the activities of your users, including being able to see the individual view/edit/download steps taken for a given user.
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