On these pages you can change which parts of Asset Bank are available for your users to see and interact with.
On the Attribute Visibility page you can control which Attributes your users can see, and whether they can edit them (assuming they have permission to edit the asset).
The Filter Exclusions page enables you to exclude certain filters from being accessible for users in the group. Simply select which filters you do not want to be visible to members of the current group. Read more about Filters.
The Usage Exclusions page enables you to select Usage types from a check box that will not be visible to members of the current group. This means when a user in the current group is downloading an asset, they will not see any usage types in the 'Usage Type' dropdown that have been ticked on this page. Read more about Usage types.
The Asset Type Visibility visibility page allows you to specify which asset types are available for users in the group to upload to. If a user is in multiple groups then only one of the groups needs to have the asset type checked for them to be able to upload assets of that type.
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