For Asset Bank to be able to create thumbnails and previews for video and audio files Asset Bank uses Ffmpeg (
The following instructions explain how to install Ffmpeg from source (and so they require a compiler such as gcc). Please note:
- Ffmpeg will be installed into /usr/local/bin
- These instructions are specifically for Debian GNU/Linux. Use these instructions instead if you are using another GNU/Linux distribution.
1. Configure APT to use the deb-multimedia repository
Note: the commands in this section must be run as root
- 1.1) Add the following to the bottom of /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb <release> main non-free deb-src <release> main non-free
- 1.2) Refresh apt's package database, by typing:
sudo apt update
- 1.3) Allow apt to trust deb-multimedia's key, by typing:
sudo apt install deb-multimedia-keyring
- 1.4) Refresh apt's package database again, by typing:
sudo apt update
2. Remove ffmpeg Debian package
Note: the commands in this section must be run as root
- 2.1) Remove the ffmpeg package, if it is installed, to avoid confusion caused by having two versions of ffmpeg installed and potential conflicts with the packages that will be installed in the next step:
sudo apt remove ffmpeg
3. Install Libraries
Note: the commands in this section must be run as root
- 3.1) Install library packages and build tools:
sudo apt install build-essential libmp3lame-dev libvorbis-dev libtheora-dev
libspeex-dev yasm pkg-config libfaac-dev libopenjpeg-dev libx264-dev
4. Install Ffmpeg
Note: we recommend that the commands in this section are run as a non-root user (although they should still work if run as root)
- 4.1) Download and extract the ffmpeg source code:
mkdir software
cd software
cd ..
mkdir src
cd src
tar xvjf ../software/ffmpeg-4.X.X.tar.bz2 - 4.2) Move into the source directory:
cd ffmpeg-4.X.X
- 4.3) Configure, build and install:
./configure --enable-gpl --enable-postproc --enable-swscale --enable-avfilter --enable-libmp3lame
--enable-libvorbis --enable-libtheora --enable-libx264 --enable-libspeex --enable-shared
--enable-pthreads --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libfaac --enable-nonfree
sudo make install - 4.4) Run "/sbin/ldconfig" as root.
1 comment
Note : For debian stretch, add for the public key ;)
sudo dpkg -i deb-multimedia-keyring_2016.8.1_all.deb
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