JDBC drivers are used by Java applications like Asset Bank to help them connect to databases. It is important to change the location of the JDBC drivers as this can help prevent memory leaks.
Obtain JDBC Driver
First, download the JDBC driver for your database. You only need the JDBC driver for the database that you use, not all 3. It is important that you use the exact version listed here because older or newer versions may contain bugs or incompatibilities that may cause data to be corrupted.
MySQL: download the MySQL Java connecter version 5.1.36 from here. The download is a zip file which you must unzip to obtain the JDBC driver, which is named mysql-connector-java-5.1.36-bin.jar.
SQL Server: download jTDS 1.3.1 from here. The download is a zip file which you must unzip to obtain the JDBC driver, which is named jtds-1.3.1.jar.
Delete Old JDBC Drivers
Create a backup directory (e.g. C:\backup on Windows or ~/backup on Linux).
Delete Old JDBC Drivers from webapp
Note: if your Asset Bank was installed after January 2010 then the jar files referred to in this section may not be present in <tomcat>/webapps/asset-bank/WEB-INF/lib. If this is the case then you can skip this step.
Move the following files from <tomcat>/webapps/asset-bank/WEB-INF/lib to the backup directory. If your Asset Bank runs on Windows then you may need to stop Tomcat before you are able to do this:
- jtds-1.2.2.jar
- msbase.jar
- msutil.jar
- ojdbc14.jar
- mysql-connector-java-3.0.16-ga-bin.jar
- sqljdbc.jar
Delete Old JDBC Drivers from Tomcat shared library directory
If you have previously installed a JDBC driver jar into <tomcat>/lib or <tomcat>/shared/lib then move it to the backup directory. If your Asset Bank runs on Windows then you may need to stop Tomcat before you are able to do this:
Install New JDBC Driver
Copy the JDBC driver jar that you downloaded (mysql-connector-java-5.1.8-bin.jar, jtds-1.2.2.jar, ojdbc6.jar OR ojdbc5.jar) into Tomcat's library directory. This is <tomcat>/lib for Tomcat 6 and <tomcat>/shared/lib for Tomcat 5.5.
Restart Tomcat
Restart the Tomcat service (not just the Asset Bank webapp - the whole of Tomcat needs to be restarted so that the jar added to Tomcat's shared lib directory is loaded).
Go to Asset Bank in a browser, log in if prompted, and check that you can see the home page. If there are errors check the Tomcat log files.
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