It is possible for Asset Bank to index the text content all the listed document types above so that they are keyword searchable.
To change Asset Bank so that it indexes these document types you need to run some/all of the following SQL command against the database:
UPDATE FileFormat SET IsIndexable=1, ToTextConverterClass='com.bright.assetbank.converter.DOCXToTextConverter' WHERE FileExtension='docx';
UPDATE FileFormat SET IsIndexable=1, ToTextConverterClass='com.bright.assetbank.converter.PptToTextConverter' WHERE FileExtension='ppt';
UPDATE FileFormat SET IsIndexable=1, ToTextConverterClass='com.bright.assetbank.converter.PptxToTextConverter' WHERE FileExtension='pptx';
After making this change to the database you will need to restart Tomcat or your Asset Bank webapp and reindex your assets for the change to take effect.
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