Find and test settings using JXplorer (
- Install JXplorer from the website.
- Create a user in Active Directory, a member of Domain Users. Give this user the full name ‘Asset Bank‘, and login username ‘assetbank‘.
- Connect to your Active Directory. In the JXplorer connection dialog use the following:
Host: The IP or domain name of your Active Directory server
Port: usually 389
Level: User + Password
User DN: the full distinguished name of the assetbank user, OR the user's login username (not that although the username will work in JXplorer it won't work in the Asset Bank settings, which need the Distinguished Name).
Password: the password of the assetbank user. - Find the Distinguished Name of the assetbank user:
a) Right-click on the domain node and select ‘Search‘. In the criteria, enter cn=username - where 'username' is the username of the Asset Bank user.
b) Find the assetbank user in the list of results (there should just be the one) and right click, and select ‘Copy DN‘. This will look something like: CN=Asset Bank,CN=Users,DC=domain1,DC=bright-interactive,DC=com
Use this as the value of ad-wms-user-distinguished-name
- Find the Distinguished Name of your base node.
Right click on the node in the tree that contains your users. Right click and select ‘Copy DN‘. This will look like: CN=Users,DC=domain1,DC=bright-interactive,DC=com
Use this as the value of ad-ldap-base-list
- Fill in the following settings in, then restart Tomcat. Other settings can usually be left at their defaults.
ad-wms-user-distinguished-name=[Distinguished name of assetbank user]
ad-wms-user-password=[Password of assetbank user]
ad-ldap-server-url=ldap://[IP address of your AD server]:389
ad-ldap-base-list=[Distinguished Name of your base node]
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